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Earth and Climate Sciences (AB)

Program Code: U-ECS-AB
Degree Designation: Bachelor of Arts
Department: Earth and Climate Sciences

Program Summary

The Earth and Climate Science major is for students interested in the science of how planet Earth works, and creating scientific solutions to earth and environmental challenges such as climate change, water use, sustainable development of mineral resources, clean energy production, as well understanding Earth’s long geological and biological evolution. 

The Division of Earth and Climate Sciences offers introductory and advanced courses in climatology, coastal processes, geology, water sciences, hydrology, geomorphology, physical oceanography, petrology, geological history, and energy. The majors are administered by the Nicholas School of the Environment. Additional information about the division can be found on the divisional website.

A bachelor of arts degree is offered for students who wish to understand local and global earth and climate sciences in support of careers in government, environmental sciences, policy or economics, environmental law, and environmental health.

Go to Programs by Department to view all related programs.

Graduation with Distinction

The Division of Earth and Climate Sciences through Trinity College offers Graduation with Distinction through the successful completion of a student research project. A candidate for Graduation with a Distinction in Earth and Climate Sciences must have a grade point average of 3.2 in the major at the beginning of the project to qualify for nomination. The student will apply for consideration for Graduation with Distinction by the beginning of their senior academic year by submitting an application to the director of undergraduate studies describing the project. The student must identify a faculty advisor who has agreed to oversee the project. The student will normally do the work as part of research independent study courses (Earth and Climate Sciences 393, 394) completed during one academic year. The project will consist of an original piece of scientific research, which will be summarized by a written report in the style of a scientific publication. The student will also give a poster presentation to students and faculty of the division before the end of classes of the student’s final semester. The decision on granting Graduation with Distinction will be made by a vote of the student’s project committee, with a majority in favor needed for Graduation with Distinction.

Academic Requirements

Corequisites. Choose two from Math 111L, Math 112L, Chem 101, Chem 201 or 210, Physics 141; Physics 142, Biology 201 or Biology 202 or Biology 207, Statistics 101, Compsci 101 or EGR 103, or equivalent.

Gateway Course. ECS 101 or ECS 103

Experiential Course. ECS 210S or ECS 212S

Electives. Choose seven courses across the earth and climate sciences subject areas, or field courses. Up to 3 courses may be substituted from related areas, with DUS approval.

Science and Society. Choose one course from a list of courses with content at the intersection of science and policy, ethics, communication, history, philosophy, and education, or approved substitution. List available from Director of Undergraduate Studies.