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Sustainability Engagement Certificate

Program Code: U-SUSTN-C
Plan Type: Minor
Department: Nicholas School of Environment

Program Summary

The goal of this program is to provide undergraduates with an opportunity to engage deeply with complex interconnections involved in sustainability-related challenges. The program requires students to connect multiple disciplines, such as environmental science, economics, public policy, and/or social justice. The program will foster critical analysis, systems thinking, and practical skills to create engaged leaders in sustainability.

Go to Programs by Department to view all related programs.

Academic Requirements

In order to complete the certificate, students must take four courses, complete two substantial experiences, and develop an e-Portfolio.

The four courses include:

  • one gateway course

    • Sustainability Engagement 245 (Sustainability: Theory and Practice, taught in the spring)

    • Sustainability Engagement 276 (Denial, Faith, Reason: Sustainability and Survival, taught in the fall)

  • two elective courses

  • the capstone, Sustainability Engagement 498S (Building A Sustainable Tomorrow)

The experiences must include one exceeding 300 hours and one exceeding 150 hours. The electives and experiences must share a chosen theme in the field of sustainability engagement that relates to three key dimensions of sustainability: the environment, economics, and social equity. The course of study and engagement experiences must be approved by the student’s Oversight Committee. For information about the certificate, visit