Registration & Courses
Students are expected to register at specified times for each successive term. Prior to registration, each student receives instructions via email. Students prepare a course program via DukeHub and discuss it at a scheduled time with their advisor. The advisor must approve the schedule and mark the student eligible to enroll for the term prior to registration.
Students who expect to obtain certification to teach in secondary and elementary schools should consult an advisor in the education program prior to each registration period to ensure that they are meeting requirements for state certification and that they will have places reserved for them in the student teaching program.
Students who fail to register for the fall or spring semester are administratively withdrawn and must apply for readmission if they wish to return. Those students who have not paid any fees owed to or fines imposed by the university (such as laboratory fees, library fines, and parking fines) by the date specified for registration for the following term will not be permitted to register for the following term until such fees and fines have been paid in full, notwithstanding the fact that the student may have paid in full the tuition for the following term.
Students planning to register for a course under the interinstitutional agreement must have the course approved by the appropriate director of undergraduate studies and their academic dean. Further information about registration procedures may be obtained from the Office of the University Registrar at
Concurrent Enrollment
A student enrolled at Duke may not enroll concurrently in any other school or college. See, however, the statement regarding the reciprocal agreement with The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina Central University, North Carolina State University, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro in the Duke University Bulletin. Students participating in one of Duke’s domestic exchange programs may not concurrently enroll in another university under the interinstitutional agreement.
Course Changes after Classes Begin
Fall and Spring Terms. During the Drop/Add period, changes may be made in course schedules through DukeHub. Students may drop and add courses during the first week of classes in the fall and spring terms at their discretion; during the second week of the semester they may drop courses at their discretion, but a permission number provided by the appropriate instructor or department is required for adding a course. After the Drop/Add period, no course may be added; also, a course may not be changed to or from the audit basis.
Students have until the withdrawal deadline (usually set four weeks before the end of courses) to request to switch a course to a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading basis by filing a request with their academic dean. Once approved by their academic dean, this decision will not be reversed. An S grade earned in a course may not be converted subsequently to a letter grade, and the course may not be retaken.
To withdraw from a course, students must obtain permission from their academic dean. After the Drop/Add period, students permitted to withdraw receive a designation of W on their academic record. Coursework discontinued without the dean’s permission will result in a grade of F. When students note errors in their course schedules, they should immediately consult with their academic deans during the schedule correction period that occurs immediately after Drop/Add ends.
Summer Terms. Courses may be added before or during the first three days of the term. After the third day of the term, no course may be added. Prior to the first day of the term, students may drop a course or courses for which they have registered without penalty. With the permission of the academic dean, students with compelling reasons may withdraw from a course through the twentieth day of a regular term (sixteenth day at the Marine Laboratory); and a designation of W will be recorded on their academic record. Coursework discontinued without the approval of the dean will result in a grade of F. (See also the section beginning "Because Duke University participates in the Title IV federal aid programs..." in Refund Policy.)